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Posts dedicated to sharing ideas, strategies, and resources to help aspiring & early clinical researchers fast-track their academic writing journey.

DALL·E 2024-05-03 08.12.27 - A digital artwork for a blog post cover titled 'How to Make a Great First Impression with a Research Mentor'
How to Make a Great First Impression with a Research Mentor
In this second part of the “How to find a research mentor” series, I will provide my step-by-step approach to reaching out to the potential mentors that you have identified (refer to PART 1 here, where...
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How I Navigated My Path to Finding Research Mentors: Strategies That Elevated My Clinical Research Career
In today’s blog post, we’ll tackle the daunting challenge that many early clinical researchers face: finding the right research mentor. This is the first of a three-part “How to Find a Research...
How to Use Scientific Storytelling to Make Your Manuscript Writing More Compelling
Our brains are evolutionarily designed to understand and retain information most effectively when it’s woven into compelling narratives or stories. Stories not only aid in comprehension but also...
Manuscript Writing for Clinical Researchers: My 4-Step Framework (PART III)
We have now traversed the dense forests of “dump” and scaled the organized mountains of “lump” (See parts I & II of manuscript writing). This is the final part (part III) of...

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