"Dr. Karmacharya is truly an outstanding researcher but possibly an even more gifted teacher in this area"

It is no coincidence that our methods & strategies have such glowing reviews. We use proven methods and strategies (we ourselves use) combining traditional methods with the modern AI techniques that we cover in our signature program, Clinical Research & Manuscript Writing OS.

For now, we’ll let these success stories speak for themselves.

"As a trainee, I was always looking for an opportunity to work under a mentor who would guide me for a research project. It’s  during my residency when I got connected to Dr. Paras Karmacharya. He did an excellent job of not only make me understand the process of starting a research project but provided constant guidance.

He taught me  to think and critic about my research and be efficient with the research steps. I always struggled to understand the  standardized research process. He made sure that we had regular research meetings with all the co-authors and created a learning environment. He did not hesitate to meet with me whenever I needed  more guidance. He assigned me tasks regularly for the project and provided me constructive feedback, which helped me better understand the study process.

With his mentorship, I was able to present at a national conference  and publish a manuscript, which gave me confidence and encouragement for my future projects. I sincerely appreciate all the guidance and learning opportunities provided by Dr. Karmacharya and look forward to his advice and guidance in the years to come."

Sonia Gupta, MD
Rheumatology Fellow, University of Utah, Utah

"Dr. Karmacharya's guidance and support throughout my research journey have been invaluable which not only helped me develop essential research skills but also instilled in me the importance of research in the medical field.

When I embarked on my research journey, I felt overwhelmed by the wide array of tools and methodologies available. However, Dr. Karmacharya patiently guided me through this intricate landscape, helping me navigate the complex world of research techniques, statistical analysis, and data interpretation.

Dr. Karmacharya was always accessible and scheduled regular in-person and virtual meetings which allowed me to discuss my progress and address any challenges. He provided constructive feedback promptly after each research milestone and guided me in accessing and filtering the necessary datasets, which were essential for the successful completion of the project.

Thanks to him, I was able to contribute meaningfully to our research projects and gain confidence in my abilities, and was able to publish 2 PubMed indexed manuscripts at high impact journals. This was pivotal in my residency match."

Rikesh Chakradhar, MD
Psychiatry Resident, GME MetroHealth, OH

"When I began my journey as an aspirant for a Rheumatology fellowship, I had minimal research experience. More importantly, I was unsure of where to start.

I was fortunate to connect with Dr. Karmacharya, who patiently guided me from the basics of research concepts to advanced research methodologies.

I genuinely enjoyed our regular meetings while working on various projects, where I had the chance to discuss each step of the research process.

Dr. Karmacharya has a unique way of explaining complex concepts in simplified terms. The research concepts and methods I learned from Dr. Karmacharya deepened my research understanding.

I was able to publish 5 manuscripts in reputable medical journals under his guidance. This research resume proved invaluable for my rheumatology fellowship match.

Today, as a clinical rheumatologist, the research skills I've acquired enable me to critically review research articles and use the data in clinical decision-making."

Ravi Shahu Khal, MD
Rheumatologist, UCHealth Rheumatology Clinic - Greeley

"I was delighted to have trained Dr. Karmacharya, who proved to be one of my most prolific researchers in my 25 years of Medical Education.  Together we worked on 16 abstracts and 23 peer reviewed publications, received 2 research awards and 1 grant. 

So when I had a new group of residents interested in Rheumatology, I reached out directly to Dr. Karmacharya for both his professional input as well as his guidance in research.  He was able to guide three novice Internal Medicine residents extremely skillfully through the process of performing a systematic review, assembling a team, understanding the literature and the importance of their work, and most importantly, organizing a cogent manuscript. 

I am convinced the highly effective product that they produced was a direct result of his careful intervention and guidance, and I believe each of the participants is probably ready to participate on a project on their own, with 1 possibly capable of leading after just this one protracted teaching exposure to Dr. Karmacharya. 

As of this writing, all three have attained highly competitive fellowships and their work published earlier this year already has 10 citations.  I believe their understanding about how to organize a paper, create an introduction and we have in a discussion building on what is known are lessons they will take with them the rest of their lives.

Dr. Karmacharya is truly an outstanding researcher but possibly an even more gifted teacher in this area."

Anthony A. Donato, MD MHPE
Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Drexel University, PA
"I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Karmacharya during my residency when I was starting out as a novice in the field of research for a project alongside my co-fellows.

Dr. Karmacharya guided us from conceptualizing the ideal clinical question with the most clinical relevance while balancing our field of interest, developing the overall research framework for it as well as step-by-step guidance and instructions on how to tackle each next step.

I found his series of virtual lecture/meeting sessions extremely helpful as we were able to discuss our progress and hiccups timely with continuous and timely feedback.

His style of teaching is very adaptable to learners of all levels of experience and backgrounds.

He was approachable to address all our queries and very professional and prompt with feedback as well as critical evaluation of our work/manuscript.

With the help of this, we were able to publish our manuscript in a reputable journal and had the abstract accepted at the American College of Rheumatology Annual meeting, which was a big milestone for us rheumatology aspirants at the time.

Most importantly above all, I was able to build foundations for clinical research that have been an invaluable skill set for me not only for the practice of clinical rheumatology as a fellow but also for identifying future prospects for practice."
Nidrit Bohra, MD
Rheumatology Fellow, GME MetroHealth, OH
"Finding a mentor whose area of interest aligns with you can sometimes be very challenging for an early-career researcher.

I was fortunate to connect with Dr. Karmacharya during my residency and complete an impactful research project that I was able to present at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Conference and subsequently publish in a reputable journal.

He provided guidance at every step of this project until its publication and was always accessible to his mentees.

His online lectures were thorough in an environment conducive to learning for novice researchers. I was able to chisel the art of drafting a manuscript and learned how to perform various statistical analysis under his guidance.

He has been my guide to gaining independence because this experience gave me a solid foundation on which I could lead similar projects in a more confident and efficient manner that I would not have been able to achieve otherwise."
Haseeb A. Chaudhary, MD
Senior Rheumatology Fellow, Case Western Reserve University, UH

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